-= Baron =- Oriental Royal I'll never forget her.. We've ever travelled to Australia, New Zealand and Singapore...especially that we lived in the same farm-stay in NZ Wen-huei: You asked me what kinda girl I like The answer should be "She is just standing in front of me" =========================== baron@tpts1.seed.net.tw Bert Chen (Chen Chi-yao) =========================== Music by CARLOS RIGUAL and CARLOS ALBERTO MARTINOLI Transcribed by -= Baron =- 1:54:17am, Oct 5 1994 Oriental Royal, the PC DEMO group, Taiwan The second presentation... all comments are highly appreciated. yawn.....it's 2:00am.. Let's play DOOM!! j/k This module sux! I don't know how to make it better... :< Please tell me... e-mail: bertchen@freenet.fsu.edu Bert Chen